Where to buy?
The best price available here at our official website www.foxsmartbox.com - free shipping, usually with USPS Priority Mail. Shipped same or the next business day. Check our "Fox Rewards" program to enhance your buying experience.
Additionally, you can buy our puzzles on major online marketplaces, although the price can be slightly higher to cover the marketplace fees:
ETSY Shop - TheBestPuzzle | Etsy - free shipping, usually with USPS Priority Mail. Shipped same or the next business day.
eBay Store - FoxSmartBox | eBay Stores - free shipping, usually with USPS Priority Mail. Shipped same or the next business day.
Amazon Store - Amazon.com: FoxSmartBox - free shipping, usually Amazon Logistics. Shipped depends on your Amazon account preferences.
Walmart Marketplace - FoxSmartBox - Walmart.com - free shipping, usually with USPS Priority Mail. Shipped same or the next business day.
Facebook Shop - FoxSmartBox - Facebook Shop - free shipping, usually with USPS Priority Mail. Shipped same or the next business day.